Happy New Year friends! It’s a new year filled with new possibilities. I don’t know about you but I am ready for a fresh start! As soon as the calendar year resets, it's like a refresh button for our souls. We set resolutions, goals and move forward with the intent to make this our best year. This year, my intention found me. As much as I tried to fight it, the one thought, the one word that kept coming back to me was love {big sigh}.
I am still trying to figure out this whole love thing, just as I’m sure many of you can relate. There’s one thing I do know, just because we lose one love, this doesn’t mean love is lost. We have to remember that love is always here.
I have to be honest, this isn’t what I originally planned on writing for our first 2020 post. For the past few weeks, I’ve been going back and forth on what to blog about. Several topics were dancing around in my head. Should it be about accessories? Puppy training? Or my personal favorite — dog recipes? Finally I took a step back and then it came to me…that one thought, that one word….Love!
There are different types of love, just to name a few: romantic, playful and affection. Every living being gives and receives love differently, which is both good and bad. The only time this becomes a problem is when we let fear get in the way of our love. This faithlessness doesn’t apply to dogs though. Dogs are the only living beings who love without boundaries. Their love is pure. They love hard. They love without expectation. They love without judgment. They love without fear. They love just to love. How amazing is that?
Dogs make love look easy. Everyday they lead with love and they make a point to love everybody always! It makes you think, what if love was that easy? There’s a quote by
M.K. Clinton ‘The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.’ Could you imagine? We might just find true happiness, if we loved others as much as our dogs loved us.
What if this year we set a goal and tried to love more like dogs? Dogs are our best teachers when it comes to love, so why not let them be our guide. Picture yourself extending love onto others, without limitations and giving love just to give love. You might just splash happiness all over the world. Let 2020 be the year we learn to love more like dogs. I’m ready to follow in their paw prints, who else is ready to take this leap and put love first?
High Paws and Unconditional Love,
Me, my doods and I