In honor of National Pet Dental Month, I’m sharing a toothpaste recipe that will not only freshen your dog’s breath but will also improve his health when used regularly.
Brushing your dog’s teeth should be just as important as brushing your own teeth. Just like humans, dogs can get food stuck in their teeth, develop plaque, tartar buildup and even periodontal disease. You can prevent these by cleaning your dog’s teeth daily or at least 3-4 times a week.
While the importance of dental hygiene is something both you and your dog have in common, sharing toothpaste is not! Animals should never be given human toothpaste. With ingredients like xylitol and fluoride, it can be extremely toxic. When brushing your dog’s teeth, always use a toothpaste made specifically for dogs. This is one of the reasons why I prefer to make my own doggy toothpaste because it eliminates the hassle of finding one that’s all natural and it gives you peace of mind since you know exactly what’s going into your dog’s body.
1 cup virgin coconut oil (softened but not melted)
1/4 cup Sea Kelp -Â this is the kind I use
2 tablespoons baking soda
8-9 mint leaves (finely chopped)

1. Mix together coconut oil, baking soda and kelp. Stir evenly until combined
2. Fold in mint leaves. (Dog Tog Tip: if you're not in the mood to stir, toss the ingredients into a food processor and let it do the work for you)
3. Store in an airtight container and place in your refrigerator. Allow toothpaste to harden before use (about 2-3 hrs)
4. When you’re ready to brush your pup’s teeth, apply a pea-sized dollop onto a soft bristle toothbrush or finger brush
As you celebrate National Pet Dental month, please remember dental care is something that should be practiced all year long.
High Paws and Healthy Teeth,
Me, my doods and I